1 Week Cleanse and Detoxification

1 Week Cleanse and Detoxification

The Step by Step Smoothie Formula To Invigorate Your Body In 7 Days

Cleansing your body is usually an after thought, right?

Most of us think its not really necessary, (out of sight and out of mind).

But smoothies are probably one of the easiest and tastiest ways to help detox…

It doesn’t have to be complicated, but the value FAR far exceed the investment.

Listen, it can be as a natural as breathing…

Just a simple as weight loss and healing the body.

Smoothies are a matter of fact a wonderful and healthy.

As long as you follow a basic rule.

Half of ingredients should be comprised of veggies…

And the other half (or less) fruits.

In cleansing and detox, the less sweet it is, the more effective it is.

Even if fruits are generally considered healthy…

Still contains sugar not always good for people with health problems (diabetes or candida).

1-Week Smoothie Cleanse is less traumatic and easy to follow doing a 3 phase cycle:

Cleansing Phase (3 days)

Nutrition Infusion phase (3 days)

Transition phase (2 days)

This first phase aims to cleanse the body in the most efficient way.

Simply by adding ingredients to the smoothie that have a natural diuretic effect.

The more your body can cleanse the digestive tract…

And the more efficiently the body absorbs much needed nutrients.

Don’t miss this chance to get your life back on track and become a positive person!

The second phase aims to gently re-awaken the cleansed body.

This is the result of introducing various healthy food for optimum absorption of nutrients.

Included in the recipes are alkaline smoothies which help balance the body’s pH levels.

And get rid of issues such as stomach problems and acid reflux.

About Women's Weight Loss Coach

Hi its Jody Leon, I'm SO excited and passionate about meeting you. I specialise in women's fitness, lifestyle, weight loss and nutrition. Thank you so much for visiting this diet detox / fat loss website and trusting me with your health and wellness. Please reach out and connect today because I'd love to help. Let's chat about your journey (fitness, weight loss, looking beautiful, feeling sexy, youthful) enjoying more of your health and lifestyle...

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